Category: Posts

Quick Update!

  • Optifine percentage complete is %38.2, May 14th %43.5.
  • Spigot and Paper both have a 1.14.1 release. When the time comes to update, I’ll open a spigot and papermc test server for everyone to cast their judgement on.
  • There are reports that GriefPrevention is working for 1.14. We shall see.
  • Dynmap currently doesn’t have a new release, but I’m watching their forum closely for when they do.
  • I’m still going to be resetting the outer end islands when updating to 1.14.1 (we need disk space lol).

Status of our update to 1.14 will be posted here.

  • Optifine (at least a preview release) is typically always required for us to update. Current percentage complete is %12.
  • Spigot has a 1.14 release. Spigot didn’t work well for us last time, but I’m willing to give both Spigot and Papermc a try to compare.
  • There are reports that GriefPrevention is working for 1.14. I haven’t seen an official release yet.
  • Dynmap currently doesn’t have a new release, but I’m watching their forum closely for when they do.
  • I’m going to be resetting the outer end islands when updating to 1.14.

Out of the above, Dynmap isn’t required, but the others are. I’m keeping a close eye on the spigot forum to see what problems have been creeping up. If anyone out there read this and know of game breaking bugs, please let me know so I can track those.

We’ve finally updated to 1.13.1! A couple things have changed.

  • We are no longer using SpigotMC as the backend server, but rather PaperMC. If you would like to have a look at PaperMC’s config file, you can find it here. This makes it so less mobs are spawning. Once spigot updates we’ll probably move back.
  • I was unable to keep our direct messaging plugin where you can do an ‘@’ and the name. It was just too outdated.
  • Multiworld support isn’t where it should be right now, so the creative world is shut down. I have a different multi world plugin running that enables the use of the amplified world, and it is online.
  • The command blocks we were using to sleep the night away even if people were not sleeping is broken and I am looking up how to fix it.
  • Had to switch to a new nickname plugin. Your name will be all white. If you have been given perms to change it, you still can with /nick . Otherwise ping me and I will change your name and colors.

And that seems to be it, at the moment. I’ll be on frequently the rest of the weekend to catch any other bugs that have come up.

Some may be wondering why we haven’t updated yet. I’m waiting on a world conversion bug to get fixed by Mojang that can potentially cause chest contents to be deleted after conversion. Here is the bug report if you’re interested:

Update 9/22: Another server software type out there like Spigot called “Paper” has figured this bug out and has distributed the fix to MC Devs. I’m keeping an eye on spigot to see if they update. I’m also looking into this new server software to see if it may be possible for us to use instead of spigot….. More to come soon! Its getting close!