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Author Topic: New SE Hub Name?
Posts: 84
Post New SE Hub Name?
on: December 7, 2014, 14:38

What should it be called?

This is a good place to discuss what it should be named, suggest names, talk about what’s important in naming the hub, etc.

For example, I came up with a few names. Faerie Vale was the one I’ve narrowed down in my brain.
I wanted to name the new spawn Faerie Vale for a few reasons. It has obvious fantasy ties to it, and Faerie in my head is synonymous with magic, arcana, things of that nature. At the new area, I’m building a castle on the hill. The style of the castle is very light, and colorful, because I thought that it went well with the birch forest biome. The name would give off this light, high fantasy idea, and then coming out of the portal, you would be presented with the castle in the similar fashion. It pops, and stuff.
For me, I feel that a name should represent the area it is for. I’d like everything there to work in harmony, including the name. I also feel like the name should roll off the tongue or be easy to refer back to. “Meet me at Faerie” or “Go down the east tunnel of Faerie Hub” sounds easy to refer to.

But! What other names do you think we should go with? Kim and Spork brought up a very good point, it should be a decision for the entire community to make, or at least have input on.

If you have an idea for a name, put it here, plus the reasoning behind why you think it is a good name.
Or anything else that comes to mind, really.

I’m not good at this official business stuff…

Oh, and this would be a good place to vote on it too. I know a few people liked the name I came up with, and a few people didn’t, and a few people had ideas of their own. Put those here! 🙂

Posts: 257
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 7, 2014, 15:04

I called the last hub ‘southside’ because it was in honor of the first town on the server. made sense. one before was ‘desert hub’, because it was in the new desert biomes, ‘north hub’ was our first expantion and when I think north, I think cold, winter, so I thought it was appropriate.

So my idea for a name is “Southeast Hub” because i’m not very creative heheh. We do need more suggestions.

Posts: 79
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 7, 2014, 15:36

I like the simple and immediately apparent names that we have, North is north, Central is central (assuming future expansions are to the west), Ocean Market is a market in an Ocean biome, and so on. I think they work well and are immediately understandable to new members. That said, I am not opposed to more flamboyant and creative names (for want of a better description). However, I think that having one creative name in a collection of utilitarian names is a bit strange, I personally like continuity. I am of the opinion that if we are going to go down the creative road with this hub, then the others should be renamed accordingly to create a consistent theme across the map, or we stick with the more simple descriptive names.

Thanks for putting this to the community, I will look forward to hearing other people’s thoughts, and will be happy with whatever the community decides.

PS. Good luck with the build, I look forward to seeing what you and Raven do with the place, it’s going to be a very interesting and fun area, from what I have been hearing about the planned build off!

Posts: 54
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 7, 2014, 17:06

Taking both Raven’s hub design and what I have seen so far of Giff’s castle, I think a good name for the new location is Fantasyland, after that section of the Disney parks. Raven’s design is bright and colourful and reminds me of some of my favorite childhood rides, like Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, and (forgive me for this) “It’s a Small World”. Meanwhile, Giffca’s castle looks very much like the colour scheme of Ciderella’s castle in the middle of the park. Plus, Fantasyland is a broad enough term to encompass anybody’s interpretation of the theme.

So my suggestion is Fantasyland.

In the alternative, I like Jack’s idea of calling it Southeast.

Posts: 35
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 8, 2014, 01:27

Riverdale, Meadowgate, Fayvale, Southbarrow, Springwick, Meadowhill hub, Birchhaven

since there is going to be a medieval fantasy town on the overworld, but i like the Faerie Vale name too.
The best choice imo would be a name, that describes the biome the spawn is in, as it does with the other spawns/hubs, since there is a birch forest, with a river flowing through-

Posts: 22
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 8, 2014, 07:51

I’m not particularly keen on Faerie Vale, if only because it’s not actually a vale, and my brain can’t cope with that kind of thing (also, I see endless debate on whether the Brit or American spelling is better :P). If there’s to be a themed name, then my favorite of those suggested so far is Birch Haven, and I’d have to toss out Brightwood as another to be considered. No matter what, I’d definitely want the name to represent something of the biome/terrain as well as the themed aspect of it.

That said, I have to agree with Jack and Spork. Keeping the name simple and ordinal lets new people get around and understand what’s going on more quickly.

(and I’d just feel silly every time I typed the words “Fantasyland Hub”, but maybe that’s just me :P)

Edit: Maybe an acceptable compromise could also be to call it Southeast Village? I dunno. Sounds weird, but covers both sides. POTATO.

Posts: 70
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 8, 2014, 08:55

If we’re going to give it a proper name, it might actually be best to hold off until after the building competition. That way we can give it a name that best fits whatever it turns into.

Posts: 54
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 8, 2014, 09:28

Quote from tint on December 8, 2014, 07:51
That said, I have to agree with Jack and Spork. Keeping the name simple and ordinal lets new people get around and understand what’s going on more quickly.

(and I’d just feel silly every time I typed the words “Fantasyland Hub”, but maybe that’s just me :P)

I agree that typing “Fantasyland” or “Faerie Vale” would feel silly. I really prefer “Southeast”, but since there was an invitation to offer themed names, I suggested Fantasyland because it seemed suited to what I’ve seen built so far. (I’m also not very creative. 😛 )

Posts: 84
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 8, 2014, 11:20

Oooh, I really like Brightwood…

Posts: 57
Post Re: New SE Hub Name?
on: December 8, 2014, 11:40

SouthEast Hub or Fantasy Hub because they both describe the hub similar to the other hubs.

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