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Author Topic: End Highway Idea
Posts: 6
Post End Highway Idea
on: March 8, 2016, 15:18

Basically I was thinking of ways to make getting around in the already explored areas of the End.

Eventually so much will be explored, getting to unexplored territory will take a large amount of time hoping from island to island.

My solution?
End Highways.

Much like the highways we have setup in the Nether. They will be set up going north, west, east, and south from the End’s center.
And eventually we can have outposts, much like the nether hubs, that divide more road in the north, south, east, and westerly directions. So it would get to be a big grid at some point down the road.

Now all the “outposts” and stuff is long term goals. For now a simple set of roads going in four directions would be a big benefit to those wishing to explore the end.

Posts: 1
Post Re: End Highway Idea
on: March 10, 2016, 18:38

I think that is a great idea. Even with the small amount explored it takes a considerable amount of time now. I would like to lend a hand on the project.

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