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Author Topic: Idea
Posts: 36
Post Idea
on: July 15, 2016, 06:09


I was wondering if it would ever be possible to have a Jackals Den shared event calendar. Something like a google calendar that we could use to plan community events like UHC and other mini game events etc. I am not 100% sure how it would work and how many people would be planning the events etc. I guess I am thinking about it like I think about work calendars – at work I will get an invite to a meeting or an event and I can say “Yes” I will attend or “No” I will not or “Maybe” I will.

I think it would be cool for example if Jack wanted to do a UHC on some saturday night he could send out invites and get an idea of who would be joining and everyone would be informed of when it was happing.

It could even be a calender built into the website somehow.

Posts: 48
Post Re: Idea
on: July 15, 2016, 19:32

We could try, but we did that for a while and it eventually fell through. For example Thursdays were UHC nights and eventually people stopped showing up for them. Or the last modded server event before Pixelmon was scheduled based on a straw poll of what day was best and no one showed up to it. I come on almost everyday and it seems like we just play whatever game or do whatever thing based on who is there and how many people showed up that night because everyone has real life schedules and things going on where they can’t always show up. If you wanna play some games or do something with the community its always a good idea to join teamspeak when you see lots of people on because chances are we are playing games or doing something. Usually if we play MC games we ask people in chat to come on as well.

Just my 2 cents, I know Jack has been trying to do more community events but its a hit or miss. The Japanese build competition and the current Pixelmon server worked out really well. 😀

Posts: 257
Post Re: Idea
on: July 16, 2016, 22:36


Posts: 36
Post Re: Idea
on: July 20, 2016, 09:35

Jesh that GIF made me super depressed 🙁 He looks so heartbroken.

What time do most people come online? I find that at my normal time (9 EST) the server is pretty much empty. Is it more like Midnight EST?

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