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Author Topic: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
Posts: 60
Post 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 9, 2013, 14:50

Hello hello dingos, stop eating my babies.


Some concerns I have with the inevitable update, the main one being terrain destroying.
With the new Mesa, Icy Hills biomes with its hardened clay and packed icea and other new blocks etc, I feel like biomes are going to be torn apart – everyone will want some of these new items. The main reason I feel like it will be a problem is if a player decides on a biome to set up his new base/house/rape dungeon, he could log in one day to find half his surrounding biome missing/dug up for blocks.
Jack, its your call how to deal with this, and I understand it will be a very tough thing to moderate. But its not like we can claim a whole biome, unless you are Alerius, who is online 24/7.
Others got any input on this? Would like to know if other people are feeling the same or its just my OCD kicking in.

Posts: 23
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 9, 2013, 15:57


Posts: 57
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 9, 2013, 18:35

I have brought up this concern in chat while playing before.
The only thing I can really think of is to dedicate 1 of each biome to resource collection. We find the closest Mesa and Mega Taiga and that is the public resource collection area for that biome. The packed ice one I’m not worried about because it doesn’t really wreck the natural terrain of the area.
And of course, the same rule applies to everyone in regards to grief. If someone has a claim nearby you should not be breaking blocks and wrecking the terrain. Have respect for other peoples space.

Posts: 257
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 9, 2013, 19:27

This is exactly why I picked the spot that I did.

Just south of spawn, roughly 200 blocks, is a Mesa biome. It will be admin-claimed but with trust public. If the biome starts to look too torn to shit, i’ll just regenerate it. But it’ll really really have to look bad for me to do that. And it will not be done often as to prevent abuse.

The other biomes, there are going to be plenty of. At least enough for everyone to have their own ice spike or mega taiga. I mean, our map is huge. The map is going to be even bigger once 1.7 lands. I’m not concerned.

Posts: 37
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 10, 2013, 14:42

IMO, 200 blocks is far too close to spawn to be harvesting blocks from an area. We should find a mesa biome that is further from spawn to destroy.

Posts: 23
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 11, 2013, 15:16

Here is my honest opinion about this. I’m going to be quiet frank about this. Outside of the new red sand that is found in a mesa biome. all the other clay has been in game for quiet some time, and if you were really going to make something out of clay you would of done it by now.

Red Sand on the other hand has never been in game, and I can understand the appeal of going to get some red sand. But I’ve already heard countless people in main chat, getting ready to ruin the biomes when they come out, Just because they want resources that they will most likely never use.

Quiet frankly this is a Mojang problem and they shouldn’t of introduced a medium-hard to get resource such as clay in such abundance. This only leads to people getting a hard to get resource quicker than they normally would of, leading to a messy biome.

Mesa biomes are extremely rare, and have roughly the same spawnrate as the Mushroom Island biome, with that said, It wouldn’t be ideal for someone with a real interest to build there, (even though it’s a large biome) Because players will be constantly taking the clay and leaving a mess behind.

I don’t really have a suggestion that would be favorable toward the player base in regards to the Mesa Biome. But all I can hope is that on a 18+ server. If people choose to take advantage of the new biome, that they do it in a respectful and orderly manner, that doesn’t disrupt the large portion of the biome.

Due it’s rarity we may only see 1 to 3 of these on the map.

For those who want clay just because, I ask that you don’t even bother, but I encourage those who need the clay for projects to do so in a orderly fashion and not ruin the biome. But that’s just my two cents.

Posts: 257
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 11, 2013, 16:56

I’ve taken all of your concerns into careful consideration and have decided to move where I was going to put spawn. Spawn will still be down the east tunnel from the north hub, but not as far. It will be located in a forest biome. This seems to have enough room away from every new biome with precious resources. Also the spawn will not be so far away like north spawn was to central spawn. This should shorten travel time and not require quick travel.

Posts: 60
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 12, 2013, 01:58

Thanks for everyones input and Jack’s reply.

In direct reply to Alerius – i’ve had a plan for a large manly clay built project since I heard about the new biomes. While I would also be taking clay from a mesa biome I would also quite like to build it inside the mesa biome itself.

A good option also would be to set up specific mine sites in a mesa biome where you can dig out the interior but leave the exterior unchanged. That way people can still use it aesthetically.

Posts: 54
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 12, 2013, 03:27

While I understand the appeal for others, I have no interest in relocating to a new biome. That said, I think Tupper’s suggestion of established mining sites for interior clay mining is a good solution. Perhaps a break in the minecart track heading out toward the nearest mesa biome-in-question, which forces people to stop and (hopefully) read posted signs containing mining ‘rules’… “Limit mining to designated areas; to preserve the natural beauty of the biome, interior mining only…” etc.

It would be a shame to destroy something just for the sake of destruction. If you want the resources, Tupper has suggested a decent method of making them available without spoiling the biome for others who want to live in it.

Posts: 37
Post Re: 1.7 concerns regarding new biomes and blocks.
on: November 12, 2013, 14:03

Quote from Jackalmen on November 11, 2013, 16:56<br />
This should shorten travel time and not require quick travel.

Oh dear, I was relying on having that to help move all of my stuff out to the new biomes. I have 40 double chests of logs and leaves to move, not even counting anything else I’m taking from my base. I predict a lot of AFK minecart rides in my future.

And Al, I do use clay for building, but I never really harvest more than I need, and I used it sparingly, as my base is sandstone and that doesn’t match clay very well. Even now, clay is a pain to collect, and I live in an ocean surrounded by the stuff. It takes me about 30 minutes to fill up my inventory with un-smelted clay blocks. I could do the same thing in a mesa biome in about 3 minutes. Big difference in speed.

Clay is also going to be a key building block for the Rapture project that KingJay and I sort of want to do (but haven’t discussed in detail yet). Harvesting all of that from the bottom of a swamp/river/ocean would be a pain.

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