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Author Topic: Endfarm?
Posts: 4
Post Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 09:03

Probably not going to be the most favorite post made on here but seriously the endfarm i believe is breaking the server, i understand you guys are semi vanilla but realisticly it does break the game. Well whats gonna make a difference if someone ends up making there own mob spawner if we take down the endfarm you might ask? Then make it a rule on the server that theres no xp farms? Excluding animal and trading farms. Experience is something that should be earned! It doesnt really make much sense to offer something that not only gathers the mobs for you but also you just sit there and kill them? Its like going to walmart and getting fresh cuts of meet and saying your a hunter lol or like going fishing in a kid size pool with fish in there already and saying your a real fisherman. Im just asking for you to look at this and think it over because for me as someone who just started playing on the server and is looking to put more time and possibly money into it.

A few other points id like to make as that when your describing what the server is you mention its on hard mode, well hard mode just got flushed down the toilet when one of the biggest things making hard mode is easily accessable now which is an exp farm and a enchanting table. A public enchantment table doesnt sound that bad but removing it would actually cause more interaction of players on the server. “Anyone have an enchanting table i can use? I Dont have one yet :(” “Yea sure come use mine! No fee :)” Things like that! Another point id like to make is kind of a side thing, leaving pvp on is really just asking for trouble and maybe youve gotten by just fine by leaving it that way but if you have no way of detecting what players have in there inventory then that really allows someone to grief someone else when a trade is being made. Im pushing for a legitiment vanilla server as well but one with an economy cant hurt right? More interaction and who knows where it would go from there?

Im leaving all this into your hands, lots of people wont want to give up the endfarm and i understand that, its like someone giving you free books of enchanting and im kinda like the one trying to get it away. A vanllia based server on hardmode is being broken by any xp farm, it makes sense i understand its efficient but so is a business paying its workers lower wages and cutting down on overtime to maximize profits. Some things we can live without 🙂

Posts: 42
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 09:51

First of all Welcome to the server!
Well I dont see where’s the problem, if you dont like it dont use it. IT IS Vanilla, and if jeb didn’t wanted people to make ender farms he would change stuff a looooooooooong time ago.
+There are people like switch (which i know of…) who wouldn’t use the enderfarm…
And besides that I think you might be looking at it only from your own perspective, there are people on the server who like to build but not gather the materials, so enchanted tools sure helps the process…
The enderfarm was built legit and I dont see anything wrong with using it, its like saying my automatic pumpkin farm is OP because I dont waste more time breaking the pumpkin blocks… :\
And if youre thinking in griefing terms you shouldn’t; After all you joined because of the community and I can’t remember anybody been grieffed or been bullied by somebody else… everyone is pretty much nice XP

I think you should be more active on the server and get the feel of it and the people in it before making any judgement about the enderfarm.
really if you dont wanna use it just dont, whatever floats your boat! 😉 have fun! cya in-game!

Posts: 4
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 10:09

See the issue with any endfarm on any server claiming to be vanilla is it breaks it, weather it comes down to helping someone building there place like you said. Does it really look like a vanilla server when everyone gets free enchantments? Also as far as mechanisims go i think if you can think it and build it it should be made. I know after saying those words you will come up with well then the endfarm should be allowed, i think everything has its limits and i believe a server endfarm let alone personal xp farms break the game.

Im simply giving my opinion and weather or not it happens is another story, i dont use it im aware of its existence and im trying to remove it through a vote or whatever due process this server has. As far as this server gaining an actual economy i dont see it happening because you got johnny jim with 900 enchanted books offering free enchantments on all his items vs does it by the book frank who never used the end farm and is selling the same things. Just an example of how it leads into other things and can literally break them, giving the people who actually worked to get there items enchanted less of an advantage vs the people who used the endfarm?

Posts: 257
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 11:31

Hey there SplitinLimbs. Glad to see you here on the forum.

I have agreed with your point of view about the end farm for many months now. The reason the end farm still exists is purely due to the fact that we claim to be a vanilla server. In my mind, a vanilla server should allow you to do any of the things that you would be able to do in a single player world. In single player, an end farm is a possibility. For a while now I have op’d out of using it as the items I enchant now hold more worth to me now than before. It’s a choice that anyone can make. And yes, it does make ‘Hard’ much easier when you’re decked out in Protection IV and Sharp V, Knockback II, Fire II…

Did you know that we have 2 maps running on the server? I was looking for more of a challenge with Minecraft and so I made a UHC Survival map. It is accessible from central spawn. This map does not include “The end” world, so it is not possible to make a farm there. Additionally natural health regeneration is off, so if you need health, you have to get it from a potion, golden apple, or beacon. There is not much of an economy there as the map is fairly new. It will also count your deaths if you die. Perhaps that is something you’d be interested in?

I also want to touch on a few other things you talked about.
First being to add rules to not allow xp farms. When you restrict people like that, its almost like saying “No floating trees” “No derp towers” “No dirt houses”. It just feels wrong to tell people what they can and cannot do on your server creative-wise. Really I just want people to come on, have fun and be involved in the community.
Secondly, PVP hasn’t been a problem on the server and the server is almost a year old. There have been only a handful of incidents that I can remember and each were resolved appropriately. I believe it works having PVP enabled because we are not a bunch of 12, 13, or 14 year olds running around, we’re all 18+ and are more mature.

Cya Ingame!

Posts: 33
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 12:14

I think the end farm is fine. It helps me build faster etc. It was made legit, so that’s good enough for me (I don’t like servers where admins and owners spawn huge structures).
I don’t feel like typing a lot at the moment, but in my opinion the end farm should stay.

Posts: 45
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 12:31

Being new to MC on the PC, I’m not sure what my opinion counts for, but here it is anyway.

Yes, it makes Hard easier. Yes, from that perspective it “breaks” the game.

But, I think it ultimately boils down to personal choice whether to use it or not. If I choose to use it to level up and enchant some gear to make my life easier (Lord knows I need that right about now), it doesn’t affect anyone else unless I engage in PvP (and then only if they aren’t taking advantage of it as well).

One of the reasons I wanted to try this server, and why I keep going in the face of mobs kicking my butt on a frustratingly regular basis, is that it seemed to be a mature community more interested in helping each other than working out their own genital insecurity issues by ganking everyone they can find. I have zero desire to fight any of you, or to get killed by you, that isn’t what this game is about for me. But having PvP as an option leaves open all sorts of fun activities that people might engage in. One of the best MC videos I’ve watched was by the MindCrack guys (I think I watched Etho’s version), where they were cleaning up after a prank on Guude and it devolved into nearly an hour of them playing King of the Ladder. It was 2am and I couldn’t turn it off, I had to keep watching. I’d love to have the option of doing something like that in the future.

Barring PvP, Minecraft is essentially a single player game. Having a handy xp farm won’t really affect anyone’s game but mine. Especially at this point I could use all the advantages I can get as I go around looking for things to help me survive. I suspect that any use I put the End Farm here to will go the way of my captive spawners on my Xbox game, used a bit at first, then mostly ignored as I don’t need them anymore. The only time I put any of my spawners to use on the Xbox is when I have a big project that needs a lot of glowstone (blazes drop glowstone dust on the Xbox).

Posts: 57
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 12:55

Okay so… I wasn’t going to post anything because I thought Jackal said it the best, but I have some of my own points to add to this that were not really brought up.

You sound like you’re mostly concerned with the economy on the server and it being unfair for people who don’t use the ender farm because they don’t have as much enchanted stuff to trade. The thing is, there really isn’t any economy on the server and not because of the ender farm, but because we are all mature people and for me particularly, I don’t accept trades. If someone needs a material or some help, I help them out. I don’t look for something in return because I know if I’m in a pickle and need something or someones help, people will have my back like I had theirs. We are a very friendly group of people. If you ran out of diamonds and your pick is about to break, I’ll be at your place in 5 minutes with 3 diamonds for you. That’s just how we are.

So regardless of ender farm or not. There just isn’t anyway to form some sort of economy on the server because people like me and many others on the server just give stuff away.

And if you want a challenge on the server you can just opt out of using the ender farm, or do what I do and don’t wear full diamond armor. I have feather fall boots (I fall a lot) and a leather chest armor dyed black (For style ;)) with unbreaking III on it so it doesn’t break right away. You have options. You don’t have to use things just because they are available. Hell if you want a challenge, try just not using armor at all. The choice is completely yours.

Lastly, I helped build the ender farm and put a lot of my own resources and time into making it and I would hate to see it go. 🙁
Haha, anyway I hope you understand where we are all coming from and can still enjoy the server with the ender farm intact.

Posts: 37
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 13:54

Quote from SwitchSB on September 3, 2013, 12:55
<p>Lastly, I helped build the ender farm and put a lot of my own resources and time into making it and I would hate to see it go. :(<br />
Haha, anyway I hope you understand where we are all coming from and can still enjoy the server with the ender farm intact.

Adding onto this by starting here. I built a double spider string farm and then used the string to build a 2,000 block spawning space, piston-powered fall damage mob trap. That is 2,000 pistons, even more redstone, 2,000 string, hundreds of tripwire hooks, hundreds of hoppers, and about 5 double chests worth of cobblestone. Should I just delete this because it doesn’t fit in your “definition” of what vanilla Minecraft is?

Have you ever paused to think that some of us who have played for many, many hours on this server (like Switch here, who has 450, or myself with 300) actually enjoy playing on the server the way it is?

Minecraft, by design, can’t have an economy. There are no rare items. There is no item in the game that I wouldn’t be willing to give you if you asked for it.

PvP on this server has NEVER been an issue. Everyone on the server helps each other, not fights. I think the person who I’ve killed most (outside of our PvP events like UHC, Nail, and other games) is Asphyroth. And I live with the guy! This being said, you should never worry about the “supposed” PvP being unbalanced because of the enchantments you can get from the exp. farm.

Going back to the top. Your perceived definition of vanilla Minecraft bothers me. Vanilla Minecraft has always been defined as the base game and every aspect that comes with it, including all of the bugs, glitches, and exploits. What vanilla Minecraft does not account for are rules limiting PvP, resource collection, and enhancements for the difficulty of the game. If you aren’t satisfied with the way the rules work on this server, either on the vanilla survival map or the UHC map, then go find a new server. It isn’t advice that I enjoy giving, because of course I enjoy playing with everyone, but if it doesn’t fit you, then find some group that does. Minecraft’s community is large enough to do that. I know that I would not have played on this server for 300 hours had I not enjoyed the ruleset and maturity of this community. And frankly, I don’t care to change it. Not one bit.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 14:51

Well first off id like to thank everyone for replying including the big guy jackal, i think its productive to have an active community on the server and on a forum as well even if the topics arent the most entertaining . Id also like to remind everyone who replied i was mearly giving my opinion even knowing that the chances of the suggestions were close to none i did it anyways.

Lets jump into the economy part since its a topic i brought up and feel the need to defend at this point, economy is possible because not everyone wants to do everything like some people just want to build houses or castle or just mine or go to the nether or build potions or work on farms or build mob spawners or cool contraptions. So then trading begins to fill those gaps which even in the smallest trading areas economy grows. The bigger the supply and demand the bigger the economy and as far as having no rare items i dont think thats true at all, theres skulls as decorations items now, theres always been diamonds and the exception of enchantments, those used to be rare as well. Now theres netherstars and beacons that give buffs and other things that arent common, but there tradeable and they do have a rareity.

Lastly it kinda touches on the subject i started with and my opinion which apparently stepped on a few toes and id just like to clear up that wasnt my intentions. I was well aware and i stated in my first post of this suggestion that it wasnt going to be the most favorite post either, well now that its out there i dont have much more to say on the topic. If people feel a certain way towards me because i voiced my opinion in a proper manner on the forums in the suggestion box then im really not sure what to tell them. An apology isnt going to happen here because i really dont care? Im not losing sleep over upsetting a few peoples feelings or because my idea isnt theres, if the endfarm isnt being changed and peoples personal creations arent being taken away then theres really not a whole lot to worry about. Dont like me? I can live with that.

Posts: 257
Post Re: Endfarm?
on: September 3, 2013, 19:44

One thing people should know about me by now is that I’m not really a community type builder. Our first spawn was this little wooden structure thingy on the beach by spawn with a big tree. Other than that, that was it for me. I sectioned off land from there and let other people “fill in” spawn. My build style is to run off into the wild, find some epic looking place and build on my own. Its funny that I’d say that as you’d think that I’d be all about building the community buildings. But, that’s my play style. I like to do my own thing and chat with my friends in the process because single player is lonely.

There is so much diversity in the community when it comes to play style. Anyone can be any mixture of these:

Outcasts, like myself, that like to build far away in private.
Community builders, those that like to build in spawn, build up nether tunnels and beautify public areas.
Town builders, people that like to build small communities, almost town-like.
Redstone builders will have almost every little device you can think of
Farmers build plant-like farms and mob farms
Artists that design epic looking whatnots and structures
Traders that mingle with the community to “do business” so to speak
PVPers that want to slice yer head off (In games and such, you know)

I’ll admit that the server isn’t really geared toward the ‘Trader’ play style. Somebody in chat asks “I will buy eggs!” and you’re willing to sell eggs, but not willing to take the journey to do the transaction. Whereas on other servers you’d go /spawn, trade items, then /home and the trade is done.

With this issue we all thought that perhaps we’d build a “Mall” at spawn where people can buy stuff from others without the player being around. For the most part, the project failed. Out of the 12 possible shops the Mall created, only really 3 shops were geared toward the Trader play style and the rest were mostly abandoned. Let alone the fact that the Mall stayed unfinished.

This reply is getting long, so I’ll wrap it up. SplitinLimbs, I don’t see that you’ve stepped on anyone’s toes. And I don’t think that anyone got butthurt over your opinion, so don’t fret man. Am I right if I said that you’re playstyle is much like a Trader in Minecraft? Also, if there was a location where people could do auto trading, like a marketplace, would that interest you?


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