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Author Topic: Inactivity
Posts: 33
Post Inactivity
on: December 17, 2013, 07:02

Hey guys,

I’m a bit inactive lately, as some of you probably noticed. The reason for this is that I rage quit the game too often nowadays.
I’ve played Minecraft for about 4, maybe 5 years now (since creative). I started playing it because it was relaxing and it set my mind to ease when building something, exploring, mining and sometimes killing some mobs. It was basic, fun and simple ‘survival’ for me.
However, with all the updates lately the game hasn’t really been ‘for me’ anymore. with the (new) supersmart mobs, hordes of zombies, and now even zombies who are able to put on your armour and swords it’s just not fun anymore. The game has become too hard.
I can’t find the relaxing and setting my mind to ease I used to have anymore. It has gone from easy simpel survival to hardcore try-not-to-die-or-you’ll-loose-everything survival.
Over time I’ve tried coming back and trying to play again, but it just wasn’t the same anymore.

So now you know my reason for inactivity. Maybe in the near future I will be active again, but not with the way Minecraft is now. I would like to keep my claims and landmarks etc though if that is possible, even though I’m this inactive lately.


Posts: 37
Post Re: Inactivity
on: December 17, 2013, 11:46

I thought you had donated. If you donate, you always keep your claims.

Would you like me to donate you some prot 4 diamond armor? Haven’t died yet in it, and I’ve swam in lava for 20 seconds with it on already. Maybe you need to build somewhere where you won’t find mobs as often such as above an ocean or in a mushroom island biome.

I find this thread funny. More often, I hear the opposite complaint. People find Minecraft too easy and survival really doesn’t have much of a surviving element at all.

Posts: 26
Post Re: Inactivity
on: December 17, 2013, 23:54

I think many people have complained about it being too easy because they’re used to playing those types of games where you are fighting for your life. But if you’re not into those types of games Minecraft as the hardcore gamers want it suddenly becomes much harder for people who aren’t hardcore gamers. I don’t think Minecraft was ever meant only for hardcore gamers, but more for everyone.

Then again that’s why we have a difficulty setting, and here it just happens to be set on hard hence breaking doors and enemies wearing your drops and spawning with enchanted armour and so-on. I must admit myself I play on normal mode in single player because it just takes the edge off the difficulty a bit without making it too easy. Then you’ve got the player-killing bugs which I’m starting to realise are just part of playing multiplayer. I too have died many more times than I’m used to ever dying and, like you, I need a break for a bit after as my motivation just goes to poot.

That said, you can make a fairly monster-proof base just with a good wall and making everything inside well lit, and have plenty of space within the wall to build and farm on. I know it sounds like an obvious suggestion but I see so many bases without a wall and it makes such a huge difference to being able to work at night without being attacked.

Posts: 33
Post Re: Inactivity
on: December 18, 2013, 02:14

@iMaelstrom, no thanks, I already wear prot 4 armour. Got enough resources to not starve/not mine for months.
And yes, I could build somewhere else, but then I am restricted to that place. I want to be able to build where ever I like. It takes away the freedom.
@0Beechigz, I used to be a hardcore gamer. Now I just want to relax in a game. That’s why I don’t play FPS games anymore either.
And yes, I could build walls, but now they would be extremely high and ugly to keep monsters out since they always find a way to get in, with the new AI system.

ps. About the first post. I am not quitting, I’ll just be inactive a lot.

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