Category: Posts

There was an issue discovered (thanks giffca!) that prevented people from going into channels on teamspeak. I believe this is fixed now. Thanks!

EDIT: ok…. Nowww it’s fixed!…

Heyya All! I’m looking to spice up our forum thread with some screenshots of the server. I added a couple already, but thought it would be cool to see if anyone wanted to share a screenshot that they’d like to see on the forum thread. If you take a screenshot of somebody else’s build, please get permission. If you’re interested, reply with a link to your screenshots or email them to me! Thanks!

Also, I’m now offering private password protected teamspeak rooms. You’ll notice teamspeak is a little restructured as well. Let me know if you’re interested in having your own teamspeak channel.


Hello everyone! The server is now updated to 1.12.2! It looks like its just a bunch of bug fixes. Optifine can be found here for 1.12.2.

Now for the rule change. We will be returning to an 18+ server today. I’m having difficulty pulling in new members because I believe they are searching for 18+ communities and not 21+ communities. Hopefully this will help in pulling in some new faces.