New Adventure Map Is Open!!

The Dungeon is open! It is a dangerous, trap filled dungeon adventure map that is all about survival! Be prepared to possibly die!

Try and collect the three runes of power from the dungeon (Strength, Defense, Alchemy) and then take on the final fight. The runes can be used to make the fight easier or more difficult. To win a 100% clear, corrupt all the runes and beat the fight with the corruption still active!

Reply here if you get 100% complete!~ Thanks to Zambie, Agile and Chilay for their first run which tested the dungeon.

BE WARNED! If you die in the dungeon you will likely loose your items. Only bring with you what you need and expect you may die.

The Dungeon Tickets are 1 Diamond Block which gets you 3 tickets. Use it for 3 tries through the dungeon or bring 2 friends to make the battles easier!

Riddle Port tickets are now 1 diamond each.

Video below goes over how to get tickets, the maps and has footage from The Dungeon!

GOOD LUCK!!! ~Tagris

Steam is giving away Chivalry for 24 Hrs, so if you don’t have it yet you should pick it up to play with us some day.

Maybe people would be interested in a Chivalry Event this weekend?




New Public Farm

Hey all,

I am opening my amplified iron and guardian farm for public use! It is located in the amplified nether hub north tunnel at 4 -129. Just follow the signs.

All I ask is that you be considerate when taking and make sure that the amount you  you take has been at least 50% replenished. Enjoy!




News Update!

  Hey everyone! Hope all is well. Want to give everyone an update on whats new for the server.

  There is an upcomming PVP event that will take place in our arena at spawn! This is a bracket type turn based PVP being hosted by Zambie. If you are interested and want to be part of the event, please Comment on this post!

  We have switched over to using Patreon for when anyone wants to contribute to the server. We are continuing to keep this a pay-to-win-free community. Contributions are put toward monthly operating costs as well as performance upgrades for the server. I truly appreciate everyone that helps us financially! Thank you.

  I have made a quick tour video for newly whitelisted people. It shows what is needed to get started and explains how our nether hub works. If you’d like to take a look at it, click up on the menu “New to the Server?”. Let me know how I did!

  We are now on Discord! This will be used primarily for notifiying everyone of events we are doing. Please sign up by going to!

  The Christmas tree has been put into storage in the creative world for us all to look at and remember the years. If you have a gift that wasn’t picked up, be sure to let myself or Kiet know and we can pull the gift out of the creative world for you.

  The CrackPack Modded server is still up and running! Refer to this post. Has anyone made it to the moon yet??

We have set up a discord channel if you would like to join. Just a great new way to get into contact with everyone on the server!

Zambie here.  Have you ever thought, “Man I would love to push this sword into Kiets back!” or “Misty would look better if she were covered in her own blood!”.  Well now you can if you sign up for the Jackal’s Den PVP Extravaganza.  It will be a set up like a bracket tournament where best out of three will move on to the next round.  Each round will have a theme of melee or bow.  A more detailed blog post will be made closer to the first round.  Please leave a comment on this blog post if you would like to participate in this event.  Also, what time would be best for you to compete.   please answer in Eastern Standard Time.  Saturday, Feburary 4, 2017 is were I would like to start this, but please leave your comments and suggestions and any ideas you might have to make this more fun.  Also, might come up with a prize for the winner, so there is a more incentive to enter.